They market network cards under the same model number that require different drivers based on the revision of the card. This caused me great grief when I needed a cheep Linux compatible card. The box said it was, but the revision inside didn't work with the existing modules out at the time.

They do that with NICs, too?

You should have seen Hugo cursing them over the problems with the Linksys USB10T USB-to-Ethernet adapter that they wanted to support for the Jupiter. Same thing: Outside of Hugo's box said all the same things as my box did. When queried by the driver software, both units return the same ID number. But they used different chips under the surface, and the drivers had to be completely different ones.

I don't know how they managed to work around it in the end, but they did. Both of our adapters now work on the HSX-109.

Until Linksys revises it again, of course.
Tony Fabris