The empeg has an amp switching wire. If you use this to connect to both the amp and the acc power on your CD/Tuner you should get the behavior you want. Just be sure that the CD/Tuner and empeg's permanent 12V is on a _permanent_ 12V line, such as a direct (but fused) line straight from the battery.

Having the units stay on when the key is turned off is almost achieved with what I said above. When you turn the key off the empeg will enter 'sleep' mode. If you press the top button when it sleep mode the empeg will turn back on and if wired as above, also turn on your amp & tuner/CD. You can set the 'sleep' time from within emplode.

This being said, I'd advise you to read through all the FAQ's you can find as well as a thorough reading of the Manual. I think that you'll find answers to this and many other questions you haven't even thought of yet. Congratulations on your new toy. Mine is still as cool/even cooler then when I bought it (Aug. 2000).
