Since there was some discussion on the forums a few days ago about tagging software, I contacted Evgeny Efimov about possibly obtaining a discount on Tag and Rename for the members of this forum. He has agreed to give us a 30% discount which will be available for the next 30 days.

Below is the information you need to use when ordering the software.

Here is the link for Empeg owners with 30% discount (i.e. Tag&Rename costs $17.46). This link will be valid for one month.

Alternatively you can use normal by now link:

and enter this promotional code: EMPE-XD08 on final ordering step.

As with the normal Tag and Rename license, purchase price includes lifetime upgrades and support and I have found that Evgeny is quick to stomp out bugs and handle support in general.

Hope some of you find this useful.