Tony Fabris <tfabris> wrote:
There's only one problem with that design: The functions would not be
immediately obvious to the user and are not self-explanatory. In other
words, most users would have to read the manual to understand how they
worked. (Or, if they were of the hacker mentality, they could figure it
out by messing around with it.)

I'm not sure that any interface that uses a button marked DNPP is obvious
or self-explanatory:-) At least my proposal for the visual select should
be familiar to most people: the remote control volume and balance on my
TV and amplifier, and the digital settings on my monitor all use this
idiom (one press to display current, another press to change, wait for
it to disappear).

I agree that the pop-up track info idea was a bit less obvious, and
thinking about it a bit more, I realise that what I really dislike is
losing the old toggle info on/off. In release 10, that button has
gained the extra feature of cycling through the info modes. That is the
wrong place to have added that function; what would be much easier to use
(and understand) would be to keep the old behaviour of the info toggle
on/off and just make the visual select button step through visuals when
in visual mode and step through track info when in info mode.

So I recant my second wish. What I want instead is simpler to
describe: one button to toggle between visual and track info,
one button to step through the options for the current view.

To address Tony's point about the "Confirm/Enter" button being the same
as the "Visual Select" button, just put the toggle track info function
on the same button as Confirm/Enter; that way, an inadvertent press can
be easily un-done.

Robin O'Leary
_________________________ Robin O'Leary