I'm a new Rio user, started off with the new beta code, really liked it, and then I got the lock-up/socket error as described above during the restarting of player.

Then after a number of sync's (I added another 15GB of music and changed LOTS of tags), I got an error about the sequence number mismatch and that "someone was here before us". I checked the .ini file in /empeg/whatever and sure enough, it listed 35 and emplode was expecting to write 36. This bothered me because I had made about 45 mins of changes just in tags alone and I couldn't figure out how to fix this.

So I exited emplode, lost my changes, rebooted the Rio and could connect again.

However, this time I connected via USB instead of ethernet. Now when I upload with emplode and make changes, it sits for a long long long time during the writing player configuration section, but doesn't lock up with the socket error. Some pieces also seem faster, but who knows.

Anyway, love the player. I already have some things on my wish list but I'll wait and see how things play out as I learn. I'm a PJB owner as well (portable mp3 player - see http://www.pjbox.com/ for more info) so I have certain wants/needs.