I've got two reasons for wanting it on the riocar.org site:

1. administration. PHPNuke makes the MANY changes that will have to be made to the FAQ MUCH easier for me since i can do it from any browser, including when i'm at work behind a locked down firewall.

2. Centralization. Spreading out the info in a bunch of places just makes it harder to find and will raise more questions... BUT, i do see your point, and Mark agrees that he'd want to host a version of it on his site as well.

I also agree that Mark could document it a trillion times better than i ever could, but he is either unable time wise or unwilling, so something's better than nothing. The info on his site is fairly intensive, but leaves out most of the options for config.ini configuration, which is mainly what i wanted to focus on. Maybe a DOC would be better than a FAQ. Hm.
|| loren ||