Hey crocklobster, just looked into your XML format.

Great job, its got everything I think we need in there.

re inclusion of:


in the XML, well we want to allow all the fields available to be published in the XML (even if its not there most of the time) as this means that anyone who does want to use it can, and it can also be used for searching and sorting.

Also, while the format of
in the XML file seems to use a lot of 'bytes' for no good reason, this can be shortened to
<bitrate/> which is the same thing in a (officially supported) shorter way.
Having 'wasted' 10 bytes in a entry to show no bitrate, but also reserving room for it to appear if present is in my book sound.
Look at the size of the XML file output - its only a few kb.

All in all I think Crocklobster has done a brilliant first cut and its got my vote for asking Mark Lord to implement it when he gets time.

crocklobster: have you a schema for the XML file? If so, care to publish it also?
If not, any plans to make one?