It would really enhance my enjoyment of the player if I could configure the clock not to display seconds -- it makes it a little harder to read when driving, and it is also a bit confusing because it looks like a timestamp or track elapsed time at first glance.

Secondarily, it would be nice to disable the flashing ":" symbol in the clock visuals -- I find it distracting. I like the plain, old unexciting Windows clock -- no flashing ":" and no seconds.

We have lots of different date formats -- could we have a couple different clock styles--one with seconds, and one without?

I would be very happy if you would throw in a setting (even config.ini?) that would disable seconds. I'm sure at least a few of the other 3,000+ owners would like thi feature. Thank you.

Edited by ProtonVehiCROSS (12/02/2002 23:04)
Grant Eaton