If you use emptool-2.00beta11 to upload an unadorned .mp3 (i.e. one
without any tags, in particular without a `title' tag) it gets created with
an empty title. This may be quite logical, but it does make it hard to
choose the invisible track from the empeg's playlist menu!

I assumed that in the absence of a title tag, emptool made up a title based
on the filename. I've even written scripts to talk to emptool which require
this behaviour---none of my mp3s have tags; the script uploads the music
and sets the meta-data explicitly using emptool using the filename to refer
to the file it just uploaded.

That got me wondering... maybe the title emptool uses does come from the
mp3 file---I just noticed that one of the test files I use does still upload with
title derived from the filename, while a couple of others come out blank.
I think the working one was encoded by a recent version of lame, while the
others were made with an ancient bladeenc. But mp3info and mp3tool both
agree all three files have no tags. So perhaps it is a change in emptool after all.
http://ro.nu/ Robin O'Leary