And then only once when you check the box that keeps the player from popping back to an Info mode every time.

Can't happen because a different person might drive the car than the person who disabled the feature in emplode. The closest you can get to actual user-accepts-responsibility is by doing it at power-on time.

The feature, by the way, is not open to debate, as there were Lawyer Types involved in the decision.

    A Hindu, a Muslim, and an attorney are driving through the countryside at night, when the car breaks down.

    They walk to a nearby farmhouse, and the farmer offers to let them stay the night until they can call for the local mechanic in the morning. "But I've only got room for two of you in the house," says the farmer. "One of you has to sleep in the barn."

    The Hindu is the first to offer: "My religion teaches me to be humble. I shall sleep in the barn." He goes out to the barn, and everyone settles down for the night.

    A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. It's the Hindu. He says, "I'm sorry, but there is a cow in the barn. In my culture, cows are sacred, and I would not feel right sleeping in the barn with the cow."

    The Muslim says, "That's OK, my religion also teaches me to be humble. Take my bed, I will go sleep in the barn." Again, everyone settles down for the night.

    A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. It's the Muslim. He says, "I'm sorry, but there is a pig in the barn. I have been taught that pigs are unclean, so I can't sleep with one."

    The attorney gets fed up. "What a bunch of whiners. All right, all right. Fine. I'll sleep in the barn." He slams the front door behind him and stomps out to the barn. Everyone settles down for the night.

    A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. It's the pig and the cow.

Tony Fabris