I've figured out a work-around for the emplode blowing up on me and the lack of refresh (which may be related). What I do is go through and add all the playlists. When I need to create a sub-list, I hit F5 (refresh) which updates the screen and suddenly shows all those lists that I created. As long as I don't manipulate the playlists in the right hand window - using it soley for dropping MP3's into - emplode works great.

I'm in the process of pushing down about 5-6GB's of MP3's to it right now. I'm just about to start a long road trip (delayed while I'm waiting for it to push the stuff onto the empeg) and I wanted more tunes.

I can't wait to get this permenantly mounted in my car - right now I'm using a tape adapter.



List 351, empeg 00045, 10gb, Amber
______________________________________ Queue 351, Mk I, 30GB Mk II #60000022 80gb, Blue - docked Mk2a, 80GB, Bruface, lighted buttons and dial