ahhhhhh. tony replied first and almost immediately. all is well with the world.

anyway, thanks alot tony. i'll have to throw that on. except for this and a huge problem that turned out to be tiny in december, my empeg has performed flawlessly.

the night before my wife and i were leaving to spend christmas in tennessee and illinois (from southeastern pa), the empeg just stopped booting up. we were having christmas with my family and i was adding some new music for the upcoming loooong trip when i realized that the empeg was still synching two hours later for only about 20 songs. my dad and i pulled the the empeg apart looking for loose ide cables, etc. finally when we went home that night, my wife started packing while i frantically scoured the bbs for answers. imagine my relief when i found all i had to do was downgrade to 1.03 and upgrade again. all that to say the empeg worked wonderfully for a round trip of about 30 hours.

thanks for the quick reply. i will give that a shot this afternoon.

12 gig, green...