So far, this is totally awesome. I'm thinking up some ideas for hosting stylesheets and a navigation scheme where people would be able to test stylesheets at their whim.

For what I'm thinking, the path to the current stylesheet, passed in with the xml would be great. Here's the current problem:

If I put in it works fine on that playlist. The problem is all the <a> tags that navigate to other playlists assume that it can just send a request for say, and that only works if it's the defaulted stylesheet. If you could send down, as an attribute on the <playlist> tag, the path and name of the current stylesheet, I could use that to build the links to the other playlists.

So, if the stylesheet requested is the "default" one, send
<playlist stylesheet="" ....>
if the stylesheet has been specified send down
<playlist stylesheet="STYLE=/path/stylesheetname.xsl" ...>

What do you think?
