Sorry, it's already mounted in my dash. But it isn't much to look at. All of the sleds are basically the same width and height, although some are deeper than others. The shape and location of the the loom plug (and therefore the shape and location of the hole in the back of the sled) varies greatly. In some cases the existing hole can be used (or enlarged), and perhaps a small bracket fabricated to hold the loom in place depending on the cage. In other cases a new hole must be cut.

Basically, it was a simple matter of lining up the connector properly. I slid the Empeg in and connected the plug (without the plug being permanently mounted yet), just to line it up properly. Then I marked the exact spot on the cage where the plug would have to mount, and mounted it there. It took maybe half an hour if that, with no special tools. I didn't bother making it pretty (it looks like I cut the back of the cage with a butcher knife!), but I really don't care since the back of the cage is invisible once installed. All that matters is that it slides smoothly in and out and makes proper contact, without stressing the plug in any way, which is strictly a matter of proper location of the plug on the back of the sled (and of course using a sled with proper depth).