I now I have to do the long press to "insert" or "append" a song or playlist into the current playlist

I was thinking that it would be handy to change the default (replace) action
either (ideally) on the player itself, or in emplode so that whatever list you chose could be
"appended" to or "inserted" into the current playing list by default without having to do the long press thing.
(although the three options in the long press menu would stay)

<I digress>
This would be especially handy to create custom playlists on the fly.
For example, you could play a song you feel like hearing,
then use the Playlists feature to append songs with more ease
than having to do a bunch of long presses to invoke this functionality.
</I digress>

Since a long press of the down button gives you the option to do all there of these things,
I figure the functionality is already there, It would just be a matter of tweaking a UI

To take this a step further...
once you have inserted and appended a bunch of songs,
we all know you can save the list as bookmark 1, 2 or 3.
It would be great to be able to later use emplode (or the player itself)
to save the bookmarked lists as a regular Playlist.

I do not have the programming skill to make this happen, but maybe someone here does.

Anyone ?
__________ davecosta Hijacked 60GB MKIIa 2.0b13