If you would be so kind as to mosey on over to the site http://www.blaupunktusa.com/receivers/receivers_accessories.html , you would find a super-snazzy remote control for the steering wheel (RC-09). Now, while this is not all that different from the kenwood remote, you would find that it has a rather unobtrusive profile on the wheel, and would fit an application like our players happily.

Now, I know it would be simple enough to remap the button functions using hijack, but here's the thing--I'd like to remap the search feature. It would be great if--

1. The little button at the bottom simulated a knob press, which would send you right into search mode
2. You could use the right/left directional buttons to page through the various numbers on the remote that you could send (send "2" for the values "abc", "3" for the values "def", and so on) in such a fashion as we have come to know and love.
3. After you have searched for this tune, the OK button confirms, and you're on your way...

The implements exist for everything I've described so far, except for the method of emulating the alphanumeric button presses by scrolling through a list of possible values. How, in the name of all that is good and righteous, can this be done?

I'd really dig a solution that better than the remote at night, when touch really doesn't do a whole lot of good. If anything, this would certainly prevent my immenient demise in an auto accident of some sort, I'm certain.

Thanks to the community for all your input!