Ok... *wonders if everyone's rio comes with as many faults as mine*...

My player that I got a few weeks ago has decided that it doesn't want to play music anymore. I was driving along happily listening to a song and it then stopped and froze for a while. Getting sick of the ground noise, I pulled it out and pushed it back in to reboot and now it says that the HD is not found.

I brought it inside and plugged in the AC adapter and I noticed that as it's trying to boot up it's making a weird clicking sound inside. Tech support doesn't seem to want to help me and I'm wondering if anyone knows what this is...

And if it's a loose or bad cable, and I crack open the player to fix it, will this void my warranty if I have to send it back?

I did read the FAQ entry about loose or bad cables, but I'm trying to clarify if this clicking sound means anything


Edited by tallica0 (26/02/2002 20:57)
1971 Chevrolet El Camino with a 60gig RioCar... they don't get along