I say it...what a bunch of [censored]...
half of what he was saying was crap...
and 6000 songs in two days? yeah that's possible if you give three kids a dedicated T1 and let them go, but who does that? what a bull [censored] statistic...like when the RIAA first started fighting napster and they said that in Napsters first year of existence CD sales near college campuses dropped 4%...so some other company investigated and found that this was true, but CD sales in all GREW by 7% because internet sites where cutting into sales of brick and mortar but also increased the total sales...so lets see...what group of people with a large descretionary budget are also more willing to buy stuff of the internet?? College students maybe? It's this bullshit of the RIAA creating polls that make they can use to their benefit but don't really mean anything that really pisses me of about them...
MKIIa 20g Smoke