I am running a P4 1.5Ghz with 512M RAM and the Firewire input goes through the Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum card/drive thingy. I'd consider a Mac if I hadn't already built this machine.

It just occurred to me that I may need service packs and driver updates. I was using the VideoWave 5.0 eval, and it's got 8 days left, so I was nearly ready to purchase once I got CDs and DVDs written, but then then capture problem showed up.

I removed some (all) service packs that I thought were causing problems with Word 2002 being so freakin' slow to open a file, it does a "Requesting virus scan" that sits for literally 10 minutes on a one page file. It started this after I got a few service packs. I installed VideoWave after the service packs were loaded. Maybe they're right with that little warning about things not working right if I removed it. It didn't fix the stupid Word problem either. I shoulda went with 98 again...

Maybe I do need the Mac afterall.
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX