Yeah.. good point. I think that sexually exploiding children is objectionable. But who am I to say that someone can't masterbate to photos of my 6-year old daughter's face superimposed on another body ala Photoshop? I think that bigotry and racism are bad too. But who am I to say that Neo-Nazis, anti-semetics and homophobes shouldn't have the right to incide violence by freely propogating their views and demonstrating (in detail) how to carry out violent acts? And I think that yelling "FIRE!!!" in a crowded movie theater is irresponislbe, and may logically lead to people needlessly being hurt, but what right do I have to tell someone that they shouldn't do that or even hint at the fact that they may have to own up to any harm caused.

I think that free-speach is the single most misunderstood civil liberty in the US.
Brad B.