Getting more flash would be great!

Sorry 'bout the problem folks, it seems as though my usually rock-solid RAID-1 /var partition got corrupted somehow, and some recent updates got lost, so I think you probably ended up DL'ing the previous kernel (bass and treble modifications only - no config.ini support for lr_delay). Hopefully that's fixed now.

patch source will be here very shortly, and the binary (based on HJ233) is here.

I've just spent an hour redefining my DNS records, as they also got screwed. Man I need to to backups.

Mark, if we got more flash we could make the config.ini/flash interactions more powerfull by reversing the order of hijack_restore_settings() and reset_hijack_options() in hijack_init().

Then we could redefine (if direction == 0) clauses in various hijack features to reload the config.ini value rather than 0.

Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.