I've been following the threads on XML stylesheets and http streaming closely over the last few weeks. I am very impressed with both Hijack and Tony's stylesheet efforts along with everyone else contributing. Understatement!
Newbies can now pretty much jump right in here - http://empeg.comms.net/php/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=hackers_prog&Number=74939&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=7&fpart=all
And reap the rewards. There are many programming threads going on both hijack and xsl sheets, and no doubt they will continue and I am no help there Wether or not it is ready to be taken out of programming yet is another whole thread

What could be done in parallel in prep is - start getting some visual ideas from people with their modified pages. The above link provides such an awesome base it is difficult to think of what more can be done-
More functionally... that's a different thread...
Asthetics, maybe this is a start.

I'v had a read/play with Crocklobsters cool experiment with stylesheet hosting here - http://rocknet.ne.mediaone.net/empegxsl/default.asp
Read - http://empeg.comms.net/php/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=hackers_prog&Number=72477&page=&view=&sb=&o=&vc=1
This, rightly so, is more for the core sheets themselves than any EMPEG homepage asthetics style thing...

So here is VM1 - Visual mod 1 based on Charcoalgray's excellent v1.0 stylesheet. Looks like v1.1 is continuing in the fuctionality direction.

This one is a frames experiment, that also points out an empeg with a decent HDD and http server on a lan - is good for all sorts of things, install seeds, streaming video etc... Small mods to links in .xsl, .css just to accomodate the frames and backgrounds.

Feedback please, and let's see what others have come up with. I know everyone was probably personalising early versions before Tom trumped it with the latest goodoil, and many may be happy with that and future technical releases, but we can't stop there now can we...?? So thanks again to Tom and all, this is their work, with a few ideas tossed on top


77232-cgxslv1.0vm1.zip (42 downloads)