I just bought a new car. I wish I could've chosen the "EMPEG" option as factory installed, but well, not quite. I went w/the cdplayer unit. Great system, don't get me wrong...the obvious problem, it doesn't exactly play MP3's! hah. So anyway, I know this board is about empeg units and all, but I'm not anxious to rip out my $500.00 cdplayer unit option to drop another grand on the empeg, etc. I'm wondering what kind of options anyone can suggest on utilizing the existing stock stereo cdplayer in the car...

Now, if it was a TAPE instead cdplayer unit I'd probably use one of those special electronic tape's with a wire on them that can plug into a external sound source, like my libretto which I have this convenient little velcro place strapped in where I put it while in the car. I could use the libretto to play the mp3's and it'd just output to the special tape in the tape deck.

Obviously that won't work as I have a CD player... which I want anyway, to perhaps play cd's if I have one at the time...

Even if I did have a tape deck and use the special tape+libretto thing it still wouldn't be exactly easy to manipulate songs while driving or whatever, I dunno...

Basically I'm just looking for the best solution to my problem...any ideas/thoughts are greatly appreciated-- I'm sure I'm not the only one in the world faced with this.

