I've got the PERFECT solution for you!!!

PAC makes a sterring wheel interface that will plug right into your system to allow you to use your sterring wheel controls. They ALSO make a unit that will allow you to use the INFINITY amp from your system (the amp is seperate from the factory head unit) and plug it into the EMPEG. You will not need to purchase a seperate amp or rewire your speakers. :)

Check them out at: http://www.go2pac.com/news.htm

(sorry my HTML is a bit rusty, so you'll have to cut & paste the link) :)

I don't think you can order directly from their website, but if you have trouble finding the product, let me know. I just signed up as a distributor with them and will ba carrying their products soon. (I am also purchasing a Jeep Grand Cherokee with the same system)

you may E-mail me at [email protected] if you need more info

"I drank what?" - Socrates