
I just had a look at the .upgrade file for 2.0beta11. And if I understand that correctly, the following happens upon boot:
  1. The BIOS (or whatever) of the player loads the Linux kernel from flash.
  2. The kernel get's started and lots its initial root partition from a different area of flash. The file linuxrc from the root directory of the flash disk is run.
  3. the linuxrc is responsible for the pumping of disk partitions and the remounting of the root device (this time from /dev/hda5 or whatever the real root disk should be).
  4. the /sbin/init program from the disk partition is run, which really gets the player going.
Could someone from empeg verify that this analysis is true?
Especially the part about the flashdisk and the linuxrc contained therein is important to me. I am thinking about modifying the flashdisk and would like to know if I am right about its purpose (which would effectively forbid doing the thing I want to do). Also: How large could the flashdisk be at max?

proud owner of MkII 40GB & MkIIa 60GB both lit by God and HiJacked by Lord