Has anyone (especially in the UK, 'cos that's where I am after all!) looked into the options for taking out insurance on an empeg?

I have queried it with my own insurance company, as my current policy is limited to £500 in any claim on stolen stereo equipment. They told me the £500 is a fixed amount and they won't pay out more under any circumstances. I am told it would be dodgy to try to have it covered under home contents insurance, there was some mention of home contents covering items which are not physically connected to the car (ie. amp & speakers are connected, empeg is removeable, but noone can tell me if that counts)

I'm just a bit worried because for the first time ever, my car has a more expensive stereo than the insurance allows for... :)

Does anyone know of any companies which will provide a separate policy for car audio equipment (preferably a reputable company who will actually pay out in the event of theft, rather than one which will take the premiums and then squirm and wriggle their way out of ever paying...)

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Reg No. 554, s/n 00064 - It's mine I tell you.... all mine :)
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Mk1 Blue - was 4GB, now 16GB
Mk2 Red - was 12GB, now 60GB