I thought you all may find this interesting. Someone was purchasing MP3 players with stolen credit cards and selling them on Ebay about a year ago, after a lot of begging and work, the postal inspectors have arrested him. He has sold over 300 items on Ebay, almost all of which they say were stolen. At the time of his arrest he had already accepted payment from about 15 people whose products had not shipped. Now they have a huge mess with buyers asking for money back or shipment, and the owners of the stolen products demanding their products back.

Sitting next to a computer they found a book "How To Hide Money In Off-Shore Bank Accounts". No money was found in his apartment, and no bank accounts have been found in his name.

For your sake, I hope this is not what happened to your Ebay seller. The seller I am talking about had a different name, and was in a different state.

Jeremy Briggs www.carplayer.com