Looks like a reasonably nice head unit. It has a separate subwoofer output, as well as four standard (read: weak) channels of built-in amplification. Assuming you have two full DIN slots in your dashboard (important), then you should do fine. If you don't want to go to the trouble to buy and install an external amplifier, then you could route the Empeg into this thing's aux inputs, send its speaker wires to your factory speaker harness (Crutchfield supplies the adapter, of course), and be done with it. Simple, quick, painless installation.

But I have to say that the $350.00 you'd shell out for that CD unit would be better spent towards better amps and speakers, perhaps even a sealed-box subwoofer. I'm serious about this: If you install only the Empeg, you won't miss the lack of a CD player. I'd much rather have an Empeg playing through a fantastic-sounding system than an Empeg and a CD-player playing through a so-so sounding system.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris