Thanks guys <tear>

Someone requested it ("deep") in another thread.

In a typical copy scenario, if you paste a playlist, it will actually just make a reference to the original playlist. That means if you reorder the tunes in one, they are automatically reordered in the other (well, since it's a reference, it just _is_ the other one). So deep copy (techincally "deep paste") allows you to copy a playlist and when you deep-paste it somewhere else, it will actually create NEW playlists of the same name (all the way down) as the one you're copying. That will let you happily reorder tunes (among other operations) separately in each playlist without affecting the other. Turned out to be really easy since this was already how copying a soup playlist worked (since soups didn't actually exist on the Empeg itself, it was implicitly a deep copy). To use it, just Ctrl-C the one you want, but when you paste, use Ctrl-Shift-V instead of Ctrl-V. Incidentally, this will _NOT_ deep copy tunes, _ONLY_ playlists. Your tunes will still be reference counted.
