The mp3s are arranged in files in an Artist/Album/##_Track.mp3 structure.

What I did was CDDBid/CDDBid-trackno.mp3 and get the metadata in a flat dbm until I learned more SQL.

The JReceiver project is a definite bonus for me. It can be a bit daunting at first, but for huge collections, its worth it.

I've got about 1600 cds, a quarter of them ripped (it takes a long time...) JReceiver doesn't require a Rio Receiver, but it helps You can use any mp3 streamer as a client. I'm not sure of the interface for a text-based system though.

I'm extremely happy with JReceiver. It might take a bit more oomph than a P133 with all the Java (I'm running it on a bargain basement $130 Duron-950), but its well worth it. Its being actively developed as well.

Once one has the information in a database, it seems to me that the "Album" or "Source" table could contain a field for "catalog number" so that I can arrange the physical CDs by part number. The same problems happen in a physical collection, and a part number-based inventory system seems to make sense to me. Then, I could search for "Bach" and "Prelude" and get a listing of all mp3s that match *and* the catalog number in my CD collection for the cds on which those tracks originally appeared. Since the CDs would be arranged sequentailly by part number, one could instantly find the desired CD. New CDs would be ripped, encoded, uploaded to the mp3 server, loaded into the database and tagged with the next sequential part number (supplied by the database) and then put away.

I was going to go with a part number as well, but settled on using storage boxes. I've got my CDs stored away in boxes, about 100 in each. When/if I need the original disc, I can scout for it in the box I've tagged it with. I still have to hunt for a CD out of 100, but I don't have to label each jewel case with a sticker or something. Yes, I'm that lazy. It's bad enough to have to rip all these CDs, you think I want to print up 1500+ stickers with serial numbers?!