I seem to have found another playlist bug, or at least I havn't had the time to search through to check if it's been submitted allready, but.

I created a small playlist (of about 18 songs) which I listen to everyday on and on and on and on (I think you get the idea), now when I set them up in emplode, I set them to infinate repeat (which in turn saved me digging my remote out goingdown the M6 at 70 with a mobile phone and a copper next to me), when I stoped the cars engine so the empeg had no power, then started it again (whether it be 1second, 1 minute, 1 hour later), the playlist would be loaded again no problem, but (damn that word sounds so harsh, especialy in them letters saying the release will be late) they don't repeat, they play through the 18 odd songs and stop, I have to reload the playlist from the playlist menu before they will repeat again.

Proud owner of #161
Proud owner of #161