A copule people have posted pics of where they installed ethernet jacks in their cars. With jacks in place, you can plug your laptop in and browse the empeg's web server. Someone posted pics that included one of an 802.11b AP in their trunk... can't remember where, maybe the install forum.

My plan is to buy a small (4 or 5 port) hub to go in the car. I spent some time in the store looking at the models they had on the shelf. Most run around 7.5V so a transformer would be needed. I'm starting out slow (don't even have the empeg installed in my car yet) but my ultimate goal is:

- 5 port hub hidden behind empeg (lots a room back there)
- 2 discretely mounted RJ45 jacks (one for passenger, one in back)
- Linksys WAP11 802.11b access point
- terminal server for OBD-II & GPS

The Linksys AP can serve many different needs (but only one at a time):
- act as an AP for laptops with wireless NICs in car
- do bridging to your home network's AP
- be a wireless client to your home AP connecting the two networks while still allowing other wireless clients to connect to your home AP (not bridging)

About the only thing you can't do is use it as an AP for your laptop in-car, pull up to your house and browse the net via your home's broadband... you'd have to reconfig the Linksys AP first.

Has anyone ported dhcpd to the empeg? how about named? Would be nice if laptops could just jack-in to the car and browse the empeg without having to reconfig to use a specific IP. Ideally, with the OBD-II and GPS connections into the empeg, I'd like to have it keep logs and generate graphs. The laptop could view these via the web. MRTG comes to mind, but maybe something a bit more customized would be better. While not quite as pretty, generating bar graphs is simple in HTML.

What other uses do people have for ethernet while in-car?
--The Amigo