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I too have recently acquried an RM-X4S and had a follow up question.
It seems to work, however the response to button presses is intermittant. Half of my button presses result in no response. I am wondering what repsonse people are getting? I understand that there is an intentional response "release delay" behavior. I have yet to resistance test the stalk and/or view the Hijack button codes. I really do hope to hear that something is awry with my stalk/tuner, because its almost un-usable this way.

Also, I see how to get into the menu but once in it seems Skip should allow you to scroll the menu. Without that all I can do is down-down-down...pretty limiting. What am I missing besides doing my own ir-mapping...or could it be a faulty stalk/tuner?

There are 2 known bugs in the 2.0 Beta 11 software (which is what Hijack also uses as its base), that affect Stalk operation.

1. There are delays on processing Stalk commands - this is a known bug and is mentioned in the bug list forum for 2.0 B11.

2. Menu navigation via stalk is 'broken' in 2.0Beta 11 software (also in the 2.0 Beta 11 bug list).

There is a thread somewhere around here about how to map the Stalk skip forward/back into front panel left/right buttons as a work around for this bug.

The first problem you just have to live with I think.

Other than that the Stalk buttons generally work fine - the buttons I use the most are the Vol up/down and skip forward/back plus next/previous visual (shift Vol+/shift vol-), Mute, source (button on end of knob) & cancel.

If you think your stalk is busted/not working properly consult the FAQ, there is some information on how to see if your stalk is working properly.