I certainly don't feel that way about my Rio but I can certainly understand the frustration. Once again, not with the Rio, I think its great, but we all have owned things that just drove us crazy. I cut a set of headers off my Dodge once with a sawsall. I've also blown up watches with expolding bullets. My only suggestion would be for you to be more creative with your method of destruction. After all you paid for it, you might as well get maximum enjoyment out of it. If you run it over you won't even get to see it. Also if you destroy it, it just makes mine more valuable. Actually I think that destroying it is foolish. You can sell it and buy something you would enjoy. Since you've only made a few posts I am assuming you managed to purchase it at the reduced price? You would even make a profit or at least break even. What ever you decide, enjoy!
No matter where you might be, there you are.