...One thing that has kinda bugged me about the player software is there's no "jump to" function in the search modes. Maybe I'm missing something here, or maybe I'm the only one that thinks this feature would be great, but it seems pretty logical to me.

Let's say I've got a playlist loaded up with a bunch of classic rock CDs, and I'm in the mood to listen to "The Wall" (which is in the current playlist, but it's about 50 tracks away from where I'm at in the playlist.) Well, as far as I can tell, my choices are to 1: hit the skip track button 50 times until I get to it, 2: search for "The Wall" and insert it a 2nd time in my playlist or 3: search for "The Wall" and replace my current playlist completely.

I think it just makes sense to have a way to jump to "The Wall" in my playlist without changing the order of the playlist...Just changing my position in the playlist. Is it possible, and I'm just missing something? Maybe a new feature that someone can hack in?