Sometimes when they steal your stuff it's just plain annoying.

Pixel managed to delay the development of the empeg by nearly a week, by stealing the only FM tuner module we had for the prototype of the MK1 and hiding it under the sofa in the living room. We couldn't find it anywhere, and had to get another sample.

It turned up a few months later, when I was cleaning.

The thing was wrapped in a protective foam sheet, and she had apparently hooked it out of the parts box on the floor, played with it for some time, and ended up chasing it downstairs (the foam was full of clawmarks). Obviously felt that she wasn't having enough attention paid to her

She also used to bring me a frog. The same one, four or five times a summer, for four years. Pood thing must have felt it was being picked on, and in the end didn't even bother to struggle. She just grabbed it out of the neighbours pond, carried it in by one foot, then dropped it in the middle of the room and watched it until I put it back.

It was definitely the same animal, with more and more scratches and scars every year.

Cats are weird.

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...