To his objections I can offer only "eh". Having better optimized Vorbis software would be nice; If he doesn't want to do it, he's certainly well within his rights and I for one bear no grudge for what he does with his free time, but his objections are too theoretical. It might change out from under him. A meteor might fall on my house overnight.

It's "Open" in the "Open" sense, unlike say "OpenVMS", which is "Open" in the "now runs on Alpha!" or the "Open Group", which is "Open" to taking your money

The Arla folks could implement an AFS-compatible client (before OpenAFS existed with the pathetic ancient and non-existant specs that existed up until that point, so perhaps you can understand why I'm at best unsympathetic.

That reminds me, one of these days I should really build hostafsd for ARM, so I can export the contents of my empeg via AFS.