Sucess! I finally got it working!

First, I needed to use a the patched gd libraries from your page, missed that, I was getting them off the web. Then I needed copies of libjpeg.a and libpng.a built for the strongarm, so I built them from the source here: . Funy thing is, libpng needs header files from libz to compile, and I only had the libz.a file you provided, so I downloaded the zlib source from here: and build a new copy of libz.a in case there might be vertion conflicts between my headers and the ones you built libz.a with. A little more makefile magic and *poof*-- a properly compiling vertion of emptriv!

That of course includes a great deal of doing all sorts of stuff the wrong way for hours . It probably took about 8 hours total for me to get it to compile, but it was a valuble educational expirience. Hell, before a few weeks ago I'd never seriously used linux, and I probably now know about 3 times as much as I did before regarding makefiles and cross compilation.

Now comes the fun part.

1998 BMW ///M3 30 GB Mk2a, Tuner, and 10 GB backup