Save the dope slaps for when someone does something truly stupid, rather than an honest mistake. In this case, Sven was trying to contribute info for the benefit of the community, and used a convenient mechanism for numbering them. That mechanism happens to be broken in Netscape... Boo friggin' hoo.

If you can't trust the browser to render pages based on a specification, then let's all go back to Gopher and WAIS. While I think config options should be specified ver-batim, I understand the logic behind using OL tags, especially if you might add/change the values later on. Upon further review it probably looks better to use the numbers in plain text, or at least value=number attributes on the OL tags, but does something tiny like this deserve a dope slap?

Or maybe you should write a FAQ on how to write FAQ's. After enough studying, maybe we'll all be as perfect as you at it.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff