I'm working on a Mk2 skin but it doesn't look like it will happen. I used the buttons from the remote as buttons, but it is sort of weird with them sitting on the front of the unit. They look good though, and so does the volume,balance text, etc.

The big problem is the area that needs to be "screen" in winamp is much larger than it is on the Mk2. I tried streching the screen, but I got it as big as I think possible and it is still a little tight, it has lost its signature shape, and I had to remove the rotary control and buttons because there was no room for them where they were and they didn't translate well to any of the winamp controls. I mean I supose that if I squared out the screen a little more everything would fit. but without that shape, and without the controls, it wouldn't be much like an empeg, just some decent skin. If anyone still wants to see this or want my files to try to fix it, or if you have some idea how I can proceed let me know.