I've finally gotten around to purchasing an Empeg, that is currently somewhere in Tenessee with Mr Fedex. I was originally on the waiting list way way back in '98 (IIRC!), but lack of cash prevailed, followed by other expensive life events such as emigration, marriage and fatherhood, so it didn't happen.

But, finally after a long wait, my Empeg is on the way, and it is time to prepare my mp3 collection for it. My mp3s are currently named trackname.mp3 in a folder structure root/artist/album/ with relative m3u files in root/ and I need to rename the mp3s to artist-album-track#-trackname.mp3 for Empeg use. I don't really know what state my tags are in...they were encoded/tagged using bladeenc under linux, and up 'til now I haven't had any use for tags - the filename structure has worked for me, although getting my tags organised will also help for my network jukebox

I have Win95 and Win2k boxes on my home network, so I can tidy up my filenames and tags from these.

My question to everyone here is simple: Given my current situation, Which of these 2 pieces of software should I spend the cash on?

It's great to see so many of the original Empeg team active here. Kudos to Hugo, Patrick and the rest of the team!
MP3/Tag Studio vs Tag&Rename
Only one choice allowed

Votes accepted starting: 27/06/2004 19:33
View the results of this poll.
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.