Hijack v441 is now available. PLEASE READ before downloading:

This version (finally) implements full separation of the player software from the physical serial port, so that apps like Empire et al. can have exclusive use of the port without interference to/from the player software, for both transmit and receive directions.

Kernel messages still go to the serial port, though.
I can change that, if desired. Opinions?

The (new!) default now is to isolate the player from the serial port. This means you will not see player messages on the serial console, and hitting "q", or "Control^C", or anything else will have ZERO effect -- since the player is no longer receiving those characters.

Sending "serial" commands via /proc/empeg_notify, or khttpd, or kftpd, all still works fine, of course.

The Hijack menu has a Serial Port Assignment entry, which is now maintained separately for AC vs. DC power modes (car vs. home). The default is now Apps Use Serial Port, which gives the default behaviour described above.

Selecting Player Uses Serial Port connects the player to the serial port (on the next restart/reboot), totally unfiltered -- even the serial "notify" messages then appear (and are NO LONGER captured by Hijack in this mode).

I recommend people stick with Apps Use Serial Port, as this is the only mode where /proc/empeg_notify works (lots of apps require this).


Go for it.

Edited by mlord (26/11/2005 04:51)