I've been wondering how the MkII release is going to affect the BBS, which, while unofficial, has proved to be invaluable to the users and developers of the Empeg and third-party apps and hardware. I know this topic has come up a lot already, but my main question is: can the current format (software AND hardware) support the new/prospective users that are bound to join in to the conversations? This is an open BBS chiefly, but not solely, for those interested in the Empeg-car player. As that number increases, will the current system need to change? Is PaulH going to continue to be kind enough to look after the maintenance/server space, etc? We've heard that the software running the BBS is the last free version available. Would Slash (or some other software package - I have no idea) work better? There's probably not much to worry about, as I doubt the number of users is going to skyrocket into the millions, but it might be something we (or at least PaulH) need to consider...

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
_~= Dearing =~_
Gettin' back into it thanks to slimrio!