So I'm excited about ordering my Empeg soon... (I'm reg number 12,778)

I've been trying to figure out how to get the most bang for my buck with this purchase...

It looks like I can buy 25 gig IBM 17mm drives for about 400 each. (

So... If I bought the base Empeg with one 6 gig drive and put two 25 gigers in there, I'd have about 50 gigs for slightly more than I'd have to pay Empeg for the 36 gig model. ($1,999.00 for the base plus 2 drives (plus, I could sell the 6 gig drive on eBay...)) versus $1,949.00 for the 36 gig-er from Empeg...

Empeg, I hope this doesn't offend. I certainly think you guys deserve my gratitude for making such a great product, and I also want to patronize your business as much as possible, but I also want to find away to get the max storage and most aggressive price for my baby.

So I know the question of warranty comes up now... I am hoping that Empeg will honor the normal warranty for "NON-DIY-DRIVE" installation issues. If this is the case, I feel comfortable with doing my own upgrade. If no, then maybe this whole thing is a bad idea...

Thoughts are appreciated...

- Thanx
- Jon