I gotta tell you, I'm nervous about something bad happening to the data on my empeg.

I bought the 36 GB model, and I've spent countless hours over the last 6 months or so loading it with MP3s. A lot of those MP3s were from CDs that I don't own and from Napster, I admit - so they wouldn't be easy to replace. Of course, you also know how much time it takes to tweak all of those tags to be just how you want them too! What scares me is that I don't have a backup. If I had to try and do this all again, I'd be miserable.

I know that this has discussed here before, but I haven't read any good solutions yet. I would be interested in a device that could maybe attach to the USB on the empeg and allow you to do a streaming tape backup or something.

I need to protect my TIME investment!

Thoughts on this are appreciated.

- Jon