This is something I just saw on, is this what you guys have been up to? :)

Transmeta Webpad
Posted by michael on Saturday July 21, @04:22AM
from the your-boss-can-just-use-an-etch-a-sketch-instead dept.
Quickening writes: "At long last, the coveted transmeta webpad is available from FrontPath as the ProGear 1050 HX+. Juicy tidbits: linux 2.4, TM3200 400MHz, touchpad, 802.11b, and USB. I expect to see this kind of story on Slashdot before I run across the product surfing. These are the same Rio people that bought up the EMPEG car mp3 player." They're not exactly cheap, but they sure are nifty. I think I'll stay with my old laptop with 802.11 though.

Empeg Mk2 090000839 (BMW 330Ci E46 -02)