Okay, I'm stumped.

Now that I've got more disk space in my empeg, I'm back to ripping my CD collection. I've been using the aforementioned Plextor drive with AudioGrabber on Win2000. I installed the third-party ASPI drivers recommended by folks here.

What seems to happen, occasionally but more likely on longer discs, is that it will be ripping along perfectly until it his the last track. Then, it will slow down, unable to read at full speed, then it will simply stop. AudioGrabber, in its typically unhelpful way, just sits there.

Now, before I'd installed the 3rd party ASPI driver, the behavior was that my whole machine would wedge. Admittedly, the current situation is infinitely preferable, but still unsatisfying. What I've been doing, for these occasional problem CDs, is using my DVD drive to do the ripping. It only runs at 8x (versus the 16-30x I get with the Plextor), but it does seem to work reliably.

Any ideas on how to fix my Plextor? Do I need to upgrade its firmware or something?
