
Now that is not a nice thing to do to someone first thing on a Monday morning.

Drive to work, player is functioning normally. Slip it into the dock at the office. Try to get to it via hijack. No response. Hmm... Ping it. No response. Look at the dock - no standby light.

Oh, now what?!?!?!

Try plugging the power directly to the player - no good. Plug in a different outlet - no good.

Given my recent history of damage and repair, I start getting a bit worried. Fortunately, I had a spare power supply at the office. Plugged it in and there's Tux.

Has anyone else had any problems with the original empeg Mark 2 power supplies going bad? These are the "sunpower" external brick to the standard computer (I forgot the plug model) three prong adapter.

Note: I don't need a replacement adapter - I have spares.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs