Just a little note to stimulate the senses - a few rumours for your delectation....

Patrick is going to be bring his new 3D (Censored), as well as his extremely loud (Censored). If he has time before the event, he will be trying to finish off the new (Censored on Pain of Death) which should be of interest to ALL empeg owners.

Rob is talking guardedly about the possibility of new (Censored) which will of course require enthusiastic testing to ensure that all the new (Censored) (Censored) (Censored). Oooh, I can't stand the tension!!

It looks as if (Censored) and (Censored) will be here with the (Censored). Luckily, the hotel doesn't mind and they assure me they are insured for accidental damage in the event the (Censored) goes wrong. However, Hugo will be giving demonstrations of (Censored) in the car park in compensation in his (Censored) (which of course has the special (Censored) installed), and Clare (his beautiful co-pilot) will be driving the black (Censored), shopping trolley version of course.

Most interesting of all, to all visitors is that there is the very real prospect of another major prize this year - something you will ALL want to own. But of course, to win this magnificent bit of kit, you are going to need a raffle ticket - something only visitors to the event will receive at the door when they arrive. So are YOU motivated enough to come? Maybe this will be your lucky year!

So come on you lot, you ditherers, you impecunious enthusiasts, you sinners all - come on down to the Amersfoort 2004 Owner's meet on the 9th, 10th and 11th July and have a serious party with like-minded souls.

Be there or be square!
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015