Available at riocar.org and at my home page. I'm going to skip making a headline on riocar.org for this release.

From the readme.txt:

    Added a feature to grab screen shots of the current screen
    from the player using FTP.

    Also added a feature (on the VIEW menu) to save the
    preview images as bitmaps. This option is only available
    when the preview window is actually up on the screen, it is
    grayed out at all other times. It will save both images as
    two separate files, the first being the name you choose
    in the Export dialog box, the second being that same name
    plus "_2" at the end. This is useful if you want to have
    nice-looking screen shots of the empeg screen. I don't have
    any code to save as GIF/JPG/PNG yet, only BMP, sorry. If
    anyone's got links to any license-free "VB code only"
    solutions for saving any of those file formats, please let
    me know.
Tony Fabris